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How can I be involved?WORKSHOPS We run lots of workshops and opportunities to participate over the months leading up to the lantern parade in June. Contact the Lantern Workshop for more information COMMUNITY LANTERN PROJECT Community Groups, Individuals and Businesses can participate in the Lantern Parade, check out <be involved> for information and registration. IN THE PARADE Bands, dancers and street performers are encouraged to join the parade, see <be involved> for information and registration. VOLUNTEER The Lantern Parade is a great way to meet people and learn new skills, whilst contributing to this wonderful community event. The Lantern Parade does urgently need volunteers to help set up the festival from NOW ON, and of course PACK DOWN too! Check out 'be involved' > Volunteer
Will there be food available for sale?Yes, Lismore has many fabulous local food vendors who will be set up in the Market deLight, in the HEART of the city along Carrington and Magellan Streets. Street Food will be on sale from 12noon until 9.00pm. Some hot food and drink will be on sale in the Winter Warmers at Riverside Park for the Fiery Finale from 4.30pm Lismore's many restaurants, bars and hotels will be open and running special Lantern Parade 'events' and After Parties, so you can dine out in style or party until late. Details will be available in the Program closer to the event The Lantern Parade itself is an alcohol free event.
Do you have a Parade Route Map?There will be TWO parades this year! At 1.30pm The FREEDOM OF ENTRY Parade will march through the CBD to the Cenotaph on Molesworth Street, finishing at 2.15 see <what's on> The LANTERN PARADE will assemble on Magellan Street between Dawson Street and Keen Street, outside the Library. 4.30pm - 5.30pm General public is requested NOT to remain in this area after 4.30pm. The Parade will depart at 5.30pm and travel along Magellan Street to Molesworth Street, it turns right at the Memorial Baths, and the left down Victoria Street and into Riverside Park. Audience is invited to watch the Fiery Finale on the slope in the park. Please bring warm rugs or tarps to sit on so everyone can see. You can sit on a chair at the top of the slope. Please check out the map HERE (this is the 2023 Map, the 2024 map will be available soon, it is the same) Please remember to bring some cash for the DONATION BUCKETS or look out for our groovy DIGITAL BUCKET Cards! We really depend on your generosity, every little bit counts so thank you in advance!
Will the parade be on if it is raining on the day?The Lantern Parade will go ahead unless there is torrential rain. The organisers will review the weather conditions and determine whether or not the parade will proceed at approximately 2pm on 22 June 2024. If you are unsure you can return to this website for an update.
Will there be any road closures on the day?The area around Carrington and Magellan Streets will be closed from 6am until 10pm on Saturday 22 June 2024. The Carrington Street between Magellan Street and the Woolworths Ramp will be closed from 2.00pm on FRIDAY 21 June until 9am 23 June 2024. The roads will be closed along the parade route on TWO occasions on Saturday 22 June 2024. 1) 1pm - 2.30pm 2) 4.30pm and 7.00pm CARPARKS Riverside Park Car Park Boat Ramp Car Park 22 June from 6am - 23 June 6pm The 2024 ROAD CLOSURES (Don't panic - a simpler version of the map will be available soon!)
Where can I park?PARKING There is ample parking around the Lismore CBD and Council car parks, see (we will check there is no parking fee on the weekend) EXCEPT Riverside Carpark - closed ALL day 21-23 June 2024 Boat Ramp Car Park - closed ALL day 21 - 23 June 2024 Please do not park in Magellan St between Molesworth St and Dawson Street after midnight on 21 June. Or Carrington St from Country Lane to Magellan Street after midnight 21 June 20024 Thank you 💛
What about Lost Children and First Aid?LOST CHILDREN SAFE SPACES In the Market deLight - Lost Children will be taken to the Festival Site and Information Office on Magellan Street. There will be a Lost Children Safe Space at the Fiery Finale in the car park next to the First Aid post. The Lost Children Safe Space will be staffed by qualified child care workers with current WWCC . FIRST AID St John's Ambulance will have a First Aid post in the Market deLight, in the parade and in the Riverside Park car park .
Where is the lantern parade?The Lantern Parade will travel from the Lismore CBD to Riverside Park, on Victoria Street departing at 5.30pm The Freedom of Entry Parade will follow the same route as the Lantern Parade departing at 1.30pm finishing at the Cenotaph at approx 2.00pm The lantern parade assembles in Magellan Street between Dawson and Keen Streets, please DO NOT GATHER in this area whilst the parade is in preparation 4.30pm - 5.30pm The Lantern Parade will depart at 5.30pm and travel along MAGELLAN Street to MOLESWORTH Street. It will turn right at the MEMORIAL BATHS and travel along MARKET Street. The Parade will then turn LEFT down VICTORIA Street. And travel into Riverside Park. General Public can enter the park to watch the parade and finale along the path over the levee bank. Please do not enter the area under the bridge. Click HERE for a map.
Is there a lantern parade route available?This is the Parade Route. The route starts along Magellan Street between Keen and Molesworth St. Turning right along Molesworth Street. Then down Market Street passed the Memorial Baths. Turn left into Victoria Street. And into Riverside Park. GENERAL PUBLIC are requested to follow the signs over the Levee Bank please.
Can I participate in the parade?LANTERN DECORATING AT THE FESTIVAL YES, you can participate in the parade. Our sponsors Summerland Bank will be facilitating the lantern decorating workshop ($15 each) in the Market deLight. This decorating workshop space will run from 1pm - 4pm, or until we run out of lanterns! So make sure you get in early to avoid any disappointment. Once the lanterns are decorated you can join the Parade for assembly in Magellan Street by 5pm for the parade, which leaves at 5.30pm, your Group will be identified as General Public. Purchasing one lantern entitles the decorator and ONE adult only to join the parade. BEFORE THE FESTIVAL • Check out our Community Lantern Project -<get involved> on this website, for community organisations, schools, Government and business to participate in the parade. Registrations close 5 June • Participate in the Parade - Bands, friends dance groups and street performers can register to join the parade <be involved> on this website. Registrations close 18 June VOLUNTEER Join our fabulous crew of volunteers See <be involved/volunteer> on this website. or Email <> or CALL 0412 732 102
Can I join the parade without a lantern?You must be a volunteer, a registered lantern carrier or a supervising adult. Contact the Lantern Parade <> or check out <be involved /volunteer> on this website
Can I bring my own lantern?NO, sorry. You can make your own lantern as part of the Lantern Decorating a LightnUp workshop or Community Lantern Project. or AT the lantern workshop, 289 Keen St, Lismore. Our Public Liability Insurance requires that ALL lanterns must be approved by the Lantern Parade organisers PRIOR to the parade and be REGISTERED.
Where is the best place to watch the parade?You can watch the Parade anywhere along the parade route.
What time does it start and finish?The day's activities commence at 12noon in the Lismore CBD - Market deLight, Magellan Street and Carrington Street. The Heartbeats Festival Stage will fire up at 12pm until 9.00pm The Freedom of Entry Parade departs from Magellan Street at 1.30pm The Lantern Parade starts at 5.30pm from Magellan Street The finale will start at 6.30ish and finish at approximately 7.30pm. There will be lots of FOOD, ACTIVITIES and fantastic MUSIC available in the Market deLight - Carrington Street - PARTY on until 9.00pm Lismore's wonderful selection of restaurants, cafes, clubs, pubs and hotels will be celebrating with us on into the night. See the Lantern Parade Program for more information.
Is there a charge to watch the lantern parade?The Lismore Lantern Parade is FREE, however we would REALLY APPRECIATE your generous donations to help cover our costs. You can make a DONATION to the Lantern Parade at any BRANCH of the SUMMERLAND Bank or Via the DIGITAL BUCKET using the QR code on our posters, fliers or the website DONATION page, so easy or at The DONATION WISHING WELL in the Market deLight during the festival - throw in your cash, use the QR code or Square reader AND There will be BUCKETEERS and DIGITAL BUCKET cards available throughout the Parade Route or The STAR WARS 51st Legion are also authorised DONATION Collectors or Head to our DONATE page here on the Website. THANK YOU SO MUCH - every little bit counts 💛
What should I bring to the lantern parade Fiery Finale?THE FIERY FINALE is beside the river in Riverside Park. Yes, it can get cold, so wrap up well. We invite general public to sit on the hill to watch the finale. Bring warm blankets/cushions to SIT on (or low beach chairs) People sitting on regular folding chairs will be requested to site at the TOP of the slope, so everyone can see. Please be thoughtful to others in the space. Access this area by following the pathway over the top of the Levee Bank We will be installing SCREENS to assist our audience to have a better view of the performance. Students from TAFE NSW will be filming the Finale, with a 'live stream' to the internet. Link available closer the the festival! Bring warm clothes as it will be cold! The traditional Winter Warmers will be selling some basic hot food and drinks. Remember to come to the festival early and enjoy the day there is so much to do .... it is an all day festival starting at 12noon
Will there be Fireworks?Yes, we are working closely with our fireworks contractor Skylighter to source pyrotechnics which are low impact and environmentally responsible. There will be a low key fireworks display, mostly close proximity fountains, as a part of the Fiery Finale between 6.30pm – 7.30pm approximately and a cultural burn. However, please keep your beloved pets indoors or in a secure area, in case they still get spooked. Please do not bring dogs to the parade, there will be a lot of people and they may get stressed!
Where will the Fiery Finale take place?The Fiery Finale will be held in RIVERSIDE PARK, Victoria Street. The VIEWING AREA is best sitting on the hill in the park. Walk up the path over the Levee Bank and into the viewing area Please do not enter the area under Ballina Street Bridge or the Boat Ramp Car Park.
Is there Accessible viewing? Accessible Facilities? Auslan Interpreters? Sensory advice?Accessibility Information - Lismore Lantern Parade 2024 ACCESSIBLE VIEWING – Fiery Finale This year we are trialling a new accessible viewing space for people with disability who are otherwise unable to access the grassed areas of Riverside Park. The space is approximately 10 x 12metres and is located at the town end of the car park at the top of Riverside Park. Bookings are essential for the space and can be done via the link or QR code below The space has limited seating and there are 10 places for wheelchair users, 20 regular seats will be provided and there will be standing room for 20 people at the back of the area. Only those with tickets will be able to enter the space. The accessible viewing space will directly face a large screen which will show the events of the main stage of the Fiery Finale. Please note that you can’t directly view the main stage from the accessible space, it is only the screen. We are unable to provide captioning on the screen. An Auslan interpreter will be signing next to the screen. A vehicle drop off point is located approx. 50 metres from the accessible space. It is drop off only for those with tickets to the accessible space. All drop offs need to be before 5.45pm or after 6.30pm. People in the parade or walking behind the parade can access the area by turning right into the car park instead of going onto the grassy area of Riverside Park. ACCESSIBLE TOILETS – Riverside Park, Carpark There is an accessible toilet located in the car park area of Riverside Park. The bathroom space is large and equipped with grab rails behind and on one side of the toilet. The toilet is of standard height and has no back cistern. A cold-water basin is available with a round tap handle. The door opens outwards and is quite heavy. The outside of the door has a round handle and on the inside there is a lever handle. There is no adult or child change table facilities. The toilets will be open and do not have a MLAK key entry. Other accessible toilets can be found at Lismore Central – 44 Carrington St, the Transit Centre Molesworth Street and Public Toilet in Keen Street. AUSLAN INTERPRETER Two Auslan interpreters will be at the Fiery Finale. One at the side of the main stage and the other beside the screen in the Accessible Viewing Space in the car park. The Accessible Viewing Space is ticketed, however it would be possible to still view the Auslan interpreter from the grassed area behind the Accessible Viewing Space. SENSORY There will be fireworks display as part of the Fiery Finale between 6.30pm-7.30pm and a cultural burn. Whilst the fireworks are low-key they are still loud, bright and smokey. There will be large crowds watching the parade and the Fiery Finale, personal space will be limited, and it will be noisy and busy. There are no designed sensory tents or spaces planned for 2024. FEEDBACK We are trying to improve the accessibility of the Parade and The Fiery Finale so that it is suitable for everyone. We welcome your feedback regarding what has worked well and what can be improved for next year. Please email or call 02 6622 6333
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